Expert Tax* & Insurance Services


Tax Services

I provide the following services:

  • Income Tax Preparation for individuals and small businesses;

  • Gift Tax and Estate Tax returns;
  • Income Tax Consulting
  • Business Entity Selection
  • Amended Tax Returns;
  • IRS and State Audit &Taxation Representation
  • Debt Resolution through Offers In Compromise
  • Unfiled Tax Returns
  • Amended Tax Returns
  • State Sales Tax Returns                                                 

*Tax Services provided by PATPS LLC

Are you Medicare looking for help with your Medicare options?

John Hiner knows that when you are approaching age 65 or are/considering retiring, there is a lot to think about when it comes to your Medicare insurance choices. There is a great deal of info that you get bombarded with whether it be mail, TV ads, phone calls, opinions etc. This can easily be very overwhelming and confusing to many. That's exactly why we are here! We will help make sense of all of it! Believe it or not, there is an easy explanation to the Medicare maze. Yes you read that correctly. Since we represent the majority of the top insurance plan options in the Kansas City area including Platte, Leavenworth Buchanan and Atchison counties, we can provide you an honest, very friendly, and unbiased comparison of ALL of the choices available to you.

There are 2 main ways to get your Medicare coverage- Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) along with a Medicare Supplement and Part D drug plan, or a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C). Yes, its that simple. Use these steps to help you decide what coverage you want:

There are several important steps you may not think about when choosing your Medicare insurance:

  • What plans will my doctor accept and can I keep them?
  • What is the cost for the plan?
  • What plan provides the best coverage for my prescription drugs and what will they cost?
  • What plan addresses the special benefits important to me (gym membership, vision coverage, etc.)?
  • What plan will cover me while traveling?

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